Monday, November 04, 2002

just finished classes for the day. Lucky for us there are no classes tomorrow. I still think it's wierd that the classes this week are kind of light. Maybe because next week are all the presentations and finals. Yeeaagh! i'm going to die. What a way to spend a birthday weekend.

Need to do so much legwork for Marketing presentation. Feel so much pressure since everyone is calling me the marketing! then I fail them. kablag! see me kiss the floor in shock! I do recall coming here to take my MBA because I wanted to learn more and become more adept in marketing but not much progress...except for Prof. Ned Roberto's class. The problem is it's always at 8am so I'm pretty much half asleep anyway. But when i DO listen, I learn so much! I feel like doing my whole thesis on marketing research all over again! hehe...

So who has watched Van Wilder? THe lead guy, Ryan Reynolds is peeerrrrfect! Who did National Lampoon movies before? Chevy Chase right? But he was not as cute as Ryan. I mean if Chevy Chase hit on me I wouldn't flinch but when Van (ryan) does, it's like all the chicks just flock to him! and who wouldn't? I've been a big fan of his since his "Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza place" tv show. Even then his comic timing, goofy expressions (without overacting or stretching his face out of proportion) show that he can act. And the viewers can definitely relate. If you catch the ending of the movie with cut scenes, there's one wherein he opens the door to find Tara Reid and he gives of this shocked yelp that sounds like a mouse who just got discovered. Hilarious! Of course he slams the door on her...who wouldn't?haha I hate her. She thinks she's so gorgeous. Can someone please tell this woman that she doesn't need to show her belly button and butt crack all the time? She's got boobs alright and they're real apparently but lay off the black eyeliner and platinum hairdo! hey waitaminute...was I talking about Tara Reid or Cristina Aguilera? hehe can't remember! Anyway, ever watch Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School? Or any 80s comedy about school life...this one rocks for our years! Lot's of gross guy shticks but nothing insulting or anything. This is what makes the comedy cool. It gets gross or pokes fun at people but I doubt anyone will be insulted - not the men, the women, the teachers or even the indians (watch out for his indian assistant's dialogues) will violently react.

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