Thursday, January 09, 2003

I just came from Lia's surprise birthday party :-) it was so sweet! We went to quark's house and i just saw his! if that were my room, i'd never leave! And the food was great! i had to control myself (this dieting sucks!) but got enough lasagna to tide me over. yum-mee! then the next few hours were filled with the lung cancer group talking about asses (among other things) over a few beers. To top it off, there was some porn viewing in quark's room! hilarious! we just kept scrutinizing it and admiring the production quality! I also got to see an old friend from High School - Clar! oh she's such a dear! was always a riot to be with and she's super sweet! I still have our pictures from those days. Was really nice seeing her again. I'm so glad Lia liked our gift for her. I received so many of those eye gel thingies i kept wondering if my friends were hinting to me about my raccoon eyes already! but i luuved them anyway! helps when you cried the night before or just stayed up late. My sister is lucky, she can stay up for hours and hours and you will not EVER see her with dark circles. Why didn't i get that gene? Anyways, this was a pretty productive day. I got my last paycheck from ePLDT - complete with rice subsidy, vacation leave, sick leave and all the other items that added to that check amount they gave me. Hallelujah! I now realize why God had me work for them, they paid me well! Thank you Manny Pangilinan! haha

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